Big Changes Come From Small Steps — Neuro Advantage
Do you sometimes feel that you can never have enough impact on the things that matter the most to you? Have you ever thought that the issue is so big, complex or challenging? That no matter what you do, it could never be enough?
I can imagine that for most people these are common enough thoughts and feelings. For anyone in the Diversity & Inclusion field, they might be more frequent. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with these thoughts and feelings either. Having said that though, if you’re working towards a large scale change, they don’t serve you.
Whilst it’s reasonable to feel daunted by the need for systemic, societal change. if you’re genuine about wanting that to happen, you can’t let your own sense of insignificance get in the way.
Don’t worry though. I’m not about to try and convince you that you have the power to change the world all by yourself. I’m happy to be pragmatic and realistic!
Getting Perspective
Let’s start by taking a step back for a minute. Let me ask a few questions and get you thinking for a moment.
Think about this issue, problem or cause that you believe in. It could be as big as world peace or it could be a local neighbourhood group. The “what” doesn’t matter so much as your desire to see change happen for it.
When was the last time you were involved in an activity related to that cause? Can you recall what you were doing? Who you did it with? Who you did it for? Did you understand how what you were doing helped the people or person attached to that cause?
Sometimes we don’t appreciate the impact our actions can have on someone else. Even if your role is more administrative, you’re still playing a role in helping others to provide a more direct impact.
When was the last time you did something for the cause you believe in or are working towards? What about the time before that? And the time before that? How often are you doing or supporting something that contributes to the change you want?
It’s all about the frequency
This is the other element we often overlook. Frequency. If we’re making a contribution to the change we want to see regularly, then those contributions begin to add up quickly. Just like putting away a small amount of savings each week, with interest, begins to become a large amount over time.
When we focus on the size and scale of the problem we forget to See the many, many small steps we make towards solving it. We also may not take the time to recognise how a single moment could have touched someone else.
Even if only briefly.
Sometimes for people facing hardship, stress, ill health etc, a moment of respite, kindness, friendship or respect can mean so much more than we may appreciate.
It can be all too easy to feel that no matter what you do, things can’t change unless….. There ultimately Is no “unless…”. For whatever your cause is, There is no silver bullet. No panacea. No perfect solution. We strive for change for the better because the problems are hard. The easy solutions already tried and exhausted. All that is often left is many hands making small contributions.
Change the world you can…
And whilst I won’t go back on my promise not to tell you that “you can change the world by yourself”. You can change the world. Every little step, every time you do something to help, all those small things matter. Someone sees them, appreciates them and the world shifted. Even if for only a moment.
And who else saw you do that? Or knows how you help that cause? How many of those people also then may feel inspired or motivated to help too? To keep pushing ahead when they too have those feelings of helplessness? Our actions and words always have value. They can have an impact. They can make a difference.
Never underestimate the value of what you did yesterday, today or will do tomorrow. No matter how small or minor you think it might be.
Originally published at on May 19, 2022.